Asia and the India Sub-Continent
Asia and the India Sub-Continent
The vast region of SE Asia, the Himalaya and the India sub-continent is an ancient land with a burgeoning population striving to arise out of deep poverty. It also encompasses some of the most biologically diverse and fragile habitats of rainforest teaming with wildlife, critical coastal habitats and coral reef marine reserves, and the huge watershed of the world’s highest mountain range. The environmental and social issues are inextricably linked and require a holistic approach to our work here. In particular, SE Asia has the highest proportion of threated reptile, bird and mammal species worldwide due mostly to dramatic habitat loss and targeting of animal species for human use.
As a foundation associated and supported primarily by travel, our fundamental focus in this part of the world is first and foremost on supporting sustainable development to improve the well-being of local people while taking care to protect and restore the natural habitat that sustains life. In this part of the world, the impacts of tourism have been devastating, but is also represents one of the greatest opportunities for rural economic development that supports conservation. So, our focus here is working with local conservation and social service organizations, and conscious travel entrepreneurs, on initiatives that maximize the positive effects of tourism while minimizing the negative social, environmental and economic impacts.
TCT areas of support in Asia include animal welfare and responsible wildlife encounters, human trafficking and sex tourism, elimination of plastic bottles in tourism, and wildlife conservation. Our most longstanding and substantial project is our “10,000 Tigers Campaign” to improve tiger tourism management and support conservation and protection of tigers by bringing greater benefits of tourism to local communities living around tiger reserves.
More here on 10,000 Tigers Campaign for project page.
Organizations we support in Asia

Travel Operators for Tigers
To advocate, plan, support and fund the protection, conservation and rewilding of natural wilderness and their wild inhabitants, especially tiger habitat, through the clever and wise use of nature ...

Borean Sunbear Conservatoin Center
The Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC) is the only sun bear conservation centre in the world. It was founded in Sabah, Malaysia in 2008monitoring.
Tea Leaf Trust
The Tea Leaf Trust focuses on improving education and employment opportunities so that the children of Sri Lanka have a choice about how to support themselves and their families in their communitie...

Bhutan Royal Society for the Protection of Nature
RSPN’s mission is to inspire personal responsibility and active involvement of the people of Bhutan in the conservation of the Kingdom’s environment through education, research and sustainable live...